Text: Ellen Wild

The light is upon us once again. The never-ending pendulum of life, has reached its brightest high. It seemed liked forever, since midwinter. When we slowly discovered all our hidden secrets. Facing them, cultivating the seeds. When we realised that we had to pick up, all we had set loose in autumn. All that we had let go, came back for us in the dark.
Now those seeds have popped out of the ground. The dark, deep, nourishing soil has taken care of them. There is nothing to do anymore, but to see it all grow. Growing, growing to the light.
Do we let it? Are we all accepting of what is there? The garden of our soul is growing in front of our eyes. With no darkness to give us a break. The sight is never stopping, never ceasing from basking upon our truth. Bigger and bigger it grows, until we stand in our own shadows. And the brighter the light, the sharper the contrast.
We feel so small. The big trees of truth are grinning down on us like a living nightmare. The flickering of the sun through the branches is driving us mad. The urge to garden arises. To pick the weeds, trim the trees and love the flowers. The urge to help nature. Or fight against it? It is just a perspective, right? Right?
What we resist, persist. Breathe in. This year, can we set the intention to let nature take over? To swallow us until we are lost. Can we celebrate that? Breathe out. See what is around you. The light forces you to. Accept it and rise above. Rise from the ground. Do you see the fields of purple flowers? The green moss covering the black rock? The slopes turning into mountains. Black and green and purple.
Do you see the waves rolling to the beaches? The clouds, the rain and the mist? Do you celebrate? Do you see the bonfires? The energy of the light never stops. It’s exhausting. It’s amazing. It is a time to go and discover our beautiful land. Oh Iceland, how magnificent are you!

It’s a time to drive the meandering roads. To strap on our backpacks. To camp on the sweet grass. To hike the mountains and to stand on top. Those views! It’s a time to go and see those waterfalls. To feel their mist on our cheeks. It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve been here before.
It’s a time to walk on the beaches until our bare soles are too cold but we don’t care. It’s a time to be surprised by the things we already know. The hot pots, the puffins and the cosy cafés. And so many flowers! Have you seen the flowers? It’s a time to never go to sleep.
To wonder about how different the light shines on every hour of the day. Have you seen the warm blanket of the midnight sun? It’s as thin as air, as eerie as a fairy’s whisper.
It’s a time to marvel. To free ourselves with acceptance. Joy joy joy! Oh midsummer, you go deep and high, close and far. We catch your light, our light. We catch it and hold on to it, so it may warm us when we reach darkness again. It stays with us, with all the qualities of an eternal flame.